In the competitive landscape of today's business world, the question often arises: what truly sets successful companies apart from the rest? While there are various factors at play, one crucial element stands out—it's the people behind the scenes who make all the difference. The Power of...

The nonprofit sector plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges, yet it faces persistent obstacles that hinder its effectiveness. Chronic underfunding, outdated technology, and inefficient practices are just a few of the issues that need urgent attention.  Why is the nonprofit sector struggling? It’s important...

“It’s not personal, it’s business.” Pick your movie of choice from which this quote is included: The Godfather or You’ve Got Mail. In the latter, we see Meg Ryan say, “What is so wrong with being personal anyway? [...

In today’s dynamic business environment, customer centricity is not just a buzzword, but a strategic imperative.  Regardless of whether your business is B2B, B2C, or operates in the nonprofit space, placing the customer at the core of your operations can significantly impact your success. Here’s how...

Growth is an exciting part of any business journey. It brings new opportunities, expands your market reach, and can ultimately lead to greater success. However, it's also a double-edged sword with its own unique set of challenges, or “growing pains.” Here, I explore four common issues...

Four-day work week: yay, nay, or neutral? Your answer might depend on your role.  It is an important conversation to have, as many companies—small, midsize, or large—are either already implementing this model or are thinking about it. As a CEO or other business leader, it’s perfectly reasonable to...

To scale or not to scale? That actually might not be the right way to pose that question. Rather, it’s more about finding the right reason to scale. The “why.” Scaling up offers numerous benefits: expanded market reach, increased efficiencies, and the potential for greater profitability. It’s...

As a business leader, how do you deal with the “unexpected”? In the dynamic world of business, the unexpected is not merely a possibility; it is a guarantee. How we, as leaders, navigate these unforeseen challenges defines not only our personal growth but the resilience and...

Are you ready for Q2? (Or Q3, Q4…) The start of Q2 is not just a date on the calendar. It's a crucial checkpoint for business leaders across industries to reassess, recalibrate, and reignite their strategic engines. The past months have taught us the value of agility,...

I’ve learned a lot since being more active on LinkedIn. What I haven’t quite figured out yet is why more C-suite and other business leaders aren’t taking advantage of the platform.  They might be “on” LinkedIn, but aren’t active and lack an updated profile (some don’t...

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