CEOs: Having a COO or CFO on your team shouldn’t be a luxury. The key word here is “shouldn’t.” But, for some businesses, it is—a role they cannot afford to implement, from a financial perspective. That said, the decision to not bring on a full-time leader may...

CEOs: When you get to the end of your day, how do you generally feel? Like you accomplished everything you wanted to and have a sense of confidence about your company’s performance? Or, like there is never enough time (including “thinking time”) to achieve all of your...

CEOs: Who on your team is your “ride or die”? Is it your COO? There’s a lot to consider here. If you don’t feel like you have one, that could be a problem. Not necessarily in ALL cases, but I want to propose something… A one-sided relationship...

CEOs: Aside from all the day-to-day duties you encounter, what is the biggest barrier you face? I hope it’s not battling with your COO!  In business, CEOs and COOs have distinct responsibilities. An oversimplified explanation I’ve seen again and again is, “CEOs are in charge of where...

CEOs and business owners: If you had to identify the most debilitating challenge in your business environment, what would it be? There are many to choose from! In meeting with business leaders, I’ve found some similarities in their answers as well as differences. Sometimes, this depends...

CEOs: If you’re not achieving your idea of “success,” what’s stopping you? This is a loaded question, because a lot of CEOs—more than you’d think—haven’t actually defined what success means to THEM. Not their competition, not their staff, not even others who have a stake in...

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