“It’s not personal, it’s business.” Pick your movie of choice from which this quote is included: The Godfather or You’ve Got Mail. In the latter, we see Meg Ryan say, “What is so wrong with being personal anyway? [...

Four-day work week: yay, nay, or neutral? Your answer might depend on your role.  It is an important conversation to have, as many companies—small, midsize, or large—are either already implementing this model or are thinking about it. As a CEO or other business leader, it’s perfectly reasonable to...

As a business leader, what would you do with an extra hour in your day? In our fast-paced world, time is a commodity more precious than gold. Each day, we strive to maximize productivity, juggle responsibilities, and somehow find a moment for ourselves. But imagine, just...

CEOs: How much emphasis do you place on company/workplace culture? This is critically important for several reasons, impacting everything from employee satisfaction to overall business performance. Remember the Great Resignation? People realized they didn’t have to stay at a job that didn’t align with the workplace...

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