18 Jan My Goals for 2018: What Are Yours?
I spent part of the first couple of weeks of 2018 thinking about what I want to accomplish this year.
I decided to share them with you to:
- Help hold me accountable
- Ask you to share yours
Over the next month, I’ll create a brief roadmap and plan out the steps needed to reach each of these goals. Here are my goals for 2018:
Increase my involvement in my community (Bloomington/Normal, IL)
Help more current and future businesses meet their goals
Increase my network and networking efforts
Be daring, take risks
Gain five new clients
What are your goals? Please share with my @ConsultStraza on Twitter.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/851552634402205696/lmrJRaRX.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Michael Straza is passionate about helping small businesses thrive. A graduate of Illinois State University’s College of Business, majoring in economics, Straza is a seasoned entrepreneur, startup investor, and business management specialist based out of Bloomington/Normal, Illinois. Connect with Michael on Twitter, LinkedIn, and email at Michael@ConsultStraza.com. [/author_info] [/author]
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