Ever feel like you’re scaling a mountain, while also mapping out the trail? As a CEO, that analogy likely hits close to home. You’re not only responsible for charting the course to reach the summit but also for tackling each obstacle along the way. Every...

Mirror, mirror, on the wall…  In a quest for success, it's easy to get caught up in numbers that look impressive on paper but don't truly contribute to your business goals. I'm talking about the allure of "vanity metrics," those seductive figures—which, while gratifying, often mask...

CEOs: How resistant are you to change (or welcoming of it)? As leaders, CEOs hold the compass that guides their organizations through uncharted waters. However, this journey is fraught with the constant challenge of change.  Resistance to change is a natural human instinct, rooted in the comfort...

CEOs: How applicable is the song lyric, “Every day I’m hustlin’” to your daily operations? I’d argue it should be a LOT less so. A few weeks ago, I shared a Vlog on my LinkedIn profile about why it’s important to “unlearn the hustle” as a CEO...

CEOs: How did you arrive at your position in the C-suite? Were you brought up through the company ranks or an “outside” hire? One might think the latter would be more challenging, given that external CEOs likely have a big learning curve when jumping into a...

CEOs: How much emphasis do you place on company/workplace culture? This is critically important for several reasons, impacting everything from employee satisfaction to overall business performance. Remember the Great Resignation? People realized they didn’t have to stay at a job that didn’t align with the workplace...

CEOs: How do you approach change management? We see change happen ALL the time in the business world. In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, change is not just inevitable; it's essential. CEOs and business leaders routinely find themselves at the helm of navigating organizations through waves...

C-suite leadership: Do you have a “recipe” for success within your organization?  Like any recipe, it might stray from the ingredients/instructions from time to time. Experienced chefs often take liberty with a traditional recipe. Anyone who has ever seen a show on the Food Network can...

CEOs: Did the Great Resignation impact your business? If so, in what ways? A few challenges I witnessed in my networking circles included losing key employees with crucial expertise, the time required to seek out and replace those individuals, and ultimately reduced productivity (and thus revenue).  There’s...

CEO. COO. These are the roles I find crucial to any business. Agree or disagree? I’m happy to debate! I will concede that it's easy for the lines between these roles to get blurred, especially in startups and smaller companies. Why does this happen, and how...

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