In today’s dynamic business environment, customer centricity is not just a buzzword, but a strategic imperative.  Regardless of whether your business is B2B, B2C, or operates in the nonprofit space, placing the customer at the core of your operations can significantly impact your success. Here’s how...

To scale or not to scale? That actually might not be the right way to pose that question. Rather, it’s more about finding the right reason to scale. The “why.” Scaling up offers numerous benefits: expanded market reach, increased efficiencies, and the potential for greater profitability. It’s...

What does a fractional executive even do? While this position isn’t “new” in the business world, it certainly has become more popular over the last few years.  In today's fast-paced business environment, agility and expertise are key drivers of success. As organizations navigate through growth, transformation, and...

CEOs: How much emphasis do you place on company/workplace culture? This is critically important for several reasons, impacting everything from employee satisfaction to overall business performance. Remember the Great Resignation? People realized they didn’t have to stay at a job that didn’t align with the workplace...

CEOs: Do you have an “exit strategy” for your reign? I’ve been talking a little about the initial steps to consider before selling your business, but succession planning is a different animal. CEOs often don’t want to SELL, but rather leave the business in the hands...

CEOs: What is the biggest challenge you currently face in your professional life? I know… it might be difficult to choose between the potholes you regularly encounter.  The unprecedented pace of change in recent years has amplified traditional leadership challenges and brought about a fresh set...

CEOs: What is your definition of “operational efficiency”? Second question, how much emphasis do you put on efficiency in your own company? In today's fast-paced business world, operational efficiency is no longer just a buzzword. It is a critical component of successful organizations. Achieving high levels...

CEOs: Which ways, if any, are you using artificial intelligence (AI) in your business operations? AI is a reality that has infiltrated the business world, and the C-suite needs to understand its implications. AI technologies bring opportunities for unprecedented efficiency and innovation, but they also come...

CEOs: When you get to the end of your day, how do you generally feel? Like you accomplished everything you wanted to and have a sense of confidence about your company’s performance? Or, like there is never enough time (including “thinking time”) to achieve all of your...

C-suite leadership: Do you have a “recipe” for success within your organization?  Like any recipe, it might stray from the ingredients/instructions from time to time. Experienced chefs often take liberty with a traditional recipe. Anyone who has ever seen a show on the Food Network can...

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